Tips on Avatars Online Tips

Read these 4 Tips on Avatars Online Tips tips to make your life smarter, better, faster and wiser. Each tip is approved by our Editors and created by expert writers so great we call them Gurus. LifeTips is the place to go when you need to know about Chat tips and hundreds of other topics.

Tips on Avatars Online Tips has been rated 3.4 out of 5 based on 415 ratings and 1 user reviews.
Does your avatar have a MegaHead?

MegaHead avatars

Megaheads are basically large avatars. You can either capture an image you like and resize it to fit a given website's avatar guidelines or create your avatars from scratch using any graphics software such as Photoshop or Paint Shop Pro. After you are done creating the avatar that represents your online image save it as a gif, jpg or bmp file depending on a given chat site's specifications. So why use the same avatars as everyone else when you can create your own avatar and stand out from the crowd? Think of your own avatar as your online face.

How to customize your avatars?

Custom avatars

Avatar is one of those words that different sites use in different ways. Some chats allow you to choose from a pre-defined set of icons that are associated with your user name. The icon sits next to your chat name or in your instant messaging windows. Other chats let you use a custom avatar that actually represents your persona graphically while chatting. Some communities, such as allow you to customize your avatar with different clothing and physical attributes. Another, such as the Palace, lets you create your own avatar. These chat avatars don't necessarily look like people – they might be pictures or illustrations of animals or places or just about anything you can think of. Each chat service has its own specifications for creating custom avatars.

How to find or create your own animated avatars?

Animated avatars

What is an animated avatar? Just like a non-animated avatar it you're your online identity. When you meet people in real life they remember you by your face and name. Your face is unique, even if your name isn't. Having an avatar, especially a customized one, gives you the ability to stand out from the crowd, as in real life. Animated avatars stand out even more because these are moving pictures. They can be funny, cool or scary. Whatever matches your personality better. Free animated avatars can be either downloaded or created from scratch if you are artistically inclined and tech savvy.

How to create your own avatars?

Create avatars

Tips on avatars online: If you are somewhat gifted artistically you can create your own avatars. You can either capture an image you like and resize it to fit a given website's avatar guidelines or create your avatars from scratch using any graphics software such as Photoshop or Paint Shop Pro. After you are done creating the avatar that represents your online image save it as a gif, jpg or bmp file depending on a given chat site's specifications. So why use the same avatars as everyone else when you can create your own avatar and stand out from the crowd? Think of your own avatar as your online face.

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Joe Wallace