Journalism Chat Rooms

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Where can a journalist go for human interest story ideas?

Journalism Chat Rooms

Are you a journalist looking for human interest stories? You may find a chat room out there that is right for you. There are many journalist chat rooms, some with specific topics about finding human interest stories.

Fellow journalists are often open to sharing information and new ideas. Maybe another journalist knows of some new exciting happenings in the area. Is a local shelter opening up in your area? Networking with journalists in human interest chat rooms may help you find this information.

Keep track of the most helpful chat rooms by bookmarking them. Visit daily, as sometimes human interest stories have a short lifespan. You may miss an opportunity if you stay away too long.



7/15/2007 9:58:26 AM
Samantha S. said:

Hello my fellow apiring journalists or the lucky ones who already are there. I was searching google for chat rooms on journalism because I wanted to chat with some other journalists for tips and such. I am an avid reader and an addicted writer. I have almost comleted my first novel and have already started a second one. (They have no relation to one another) Niether are published just yet but I can tell you this, Remember my name. Because you will see it writen on the cover of several books, and you will see it under an article from one of your favorite newspapers or news magazines, and you WILL see it on a future Pulitzer Prize Winner Award. I may be only 13 and just going into highschool. But i can assure you i will be out there for all to see shortly.
I apologize for using this comment for some sort of self revelation. So i will now comment on the Journalism Chat Room Tip:
This tip was very helpful, and im sure i will use it in my future. Thank you so much.

9/1/2007 5:44:49 AM
Hillary said:

a college student of international journalism major from China


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